You can put 50 top musicians in a room, but that doesn't mean they will spontaneously play a beautiful symphony.
- we came up with this quote ourselves -
Our Mission
Welcome to The Forge!
We enable high-quality collaboration across your organization.
So much time, energy and joy is lost simply because people were never taught how to work together. We want people to find fulfillment in their professional relations. That's why we enable leaders to achieve, strengthen, and monitor high-quality collaboration in an evidence-based way.
Explore the untapped treasures of evidence-based knowledge overlooked elsewhere. The Forge is here to unlock that knowledge for you.

We Back You Up
The Forge backs you up with an evidence-based assessment that results into a collaboration profile. This profile not only shows the state of collaboration in your organization, it also gives a clear indication which efforts are needed to reach high-quality collaboration.

We Help You Out
Want to go one step further? We help you out by supporting our collaboration profile assessment with an in-house training program tailored to your needs. That way your leaders learn how to become an expert in the science of working together!

We Jump In
Want to step it up a notch? Sure! We jump in and start with an assessment of how people collaborate in your organization. Using that, we develop a tailored collaboration change trajectory where we combine scientific interventions with interactive workshops. So sit back, and let us make sure that your people work together in the best way possible!
Customer Experiences
A selection of our customers
Via de KMO-portefeuille kunnen kleine en middelgrote ondernemingen tot 30% subsidies aanvragen bij Agentschap Ondernemen voor opleidingen en advies die bij The Forge Group worden ingekocht. Noteer dit is enkel geldig voor ondernemingen waarvan de maatschappelijke zetel in het Vlaamse gewest is gevestigd.
Ik doe mee! Bel ons en ontvang onze digitale brochure met de mogelijkheden, prijslijst en informatie over het gebruik van de KMO-portefeuille. Belangrijk is dat de steunmaatregel KMO-portefeuille van VLAIO enkel geldt voor bedrijven die voldoen aan de volgende criteria.
De erkenning als dienstverlener wordt gebaseerd op de kwaliteit van de activiteiten, ervaring, klantentevredenheid, integriteit en uiteraard ook de kennis van de nieuwe norm. The Forge Group heeft in 2023 succesvol het certificaat behaald. Tot en met 2028 zijn wij geregistreerd dienstverlener van de KMO-portefeuille voor de pijlers Opleiding en Advies.
Ons registratienummer voor advies: DV.A222914
Ons registratienummer voor opleiding: DV.O246589
Voor meer informatie omtrent subsidieaanvragen via de KMO-portefeuille klik hier.